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Boyd Cemetery

Robin Barger
Brooks Cemetery

Pat C. Cloninger
Coulter Cemetery

Robin Barger
Maiden Cemetery
Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 4
Section 5, Part 1 | Section 5, Part 2
Veterans' Memorial Section

Robin M. Barger
McCaslin Cemetery

Robin Barger
Moore's Cemetery

Patricia Graves Reagan
Old St Paul's Cemetery
Fey | Miller |
Ridgeview Cemetery

Derick S. Hartshorn
Jeannette Jamison & Dorothy Sudderth
St John's Lutheran Cemetery
Catawba County Cemeteries List
Contributed by: Derick S. Hartshorn
Aaron-Aikens | Akeerd-Awad

Babb-Bayne | Beach-Boindear | Bolch-Bowling | Bowman-Brower
Brown-Burney | Burns-Byrd

Cabiness-Carpenter | Carper-Clevinger | Click-Combs | Comby-Crawley | Creasamor-Czopoth

D'Ancicco-Dell'Aquila | Delong-Dyson


Fagan-French | Freshour-Fye

Gabbard-Goodnight | Goodson-Gwin

Haas-Hauss | Havnaer-Hefner | Height-Higley | Hilbert-Hollor
Holloway-Huff | Huffman-Hunson | Hunsucker-Hylton

Icard-Jett | Jetter-Justice

Kadlec-Kerr | Kersey-Kyles

Laastad-Ledbetter | Ledford-Litten | Little-Long | Longacre-Lytton

Mabe-McCormick | McCoy-Millard | Miller-Moore | Moos-Myrtle

Nace-Penn | Pennell-Post | Postell-Pyle

Quante-Revis | Reynold-Rocap | Rockett-Ryffel

Sabec-Settlemyre | Setzer-Sherman | Sherrell-Shuffler
Shufford-Sigman | Sigmon-Sigmond | Smithey-Stepp

Stepper-Sylvester | Sigrist-Talley | Tabor-Trail | Tramble-Vrabel

Wacaser-Whirley | Whisenant-Wike | Wilcox-Wilson | Wimberly-Wyson


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Please visit the Instructions Page

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North Carolina Tombstone Transcription Project

Please contact: Rebecca Maloney

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