Essex County



Other Essex County Cemetery Info

Find a cemetery in Essex County

Byfield Parish Burying Ground
Newbury/Georgetown, MA

Thomas Hunter
Troop 15, Rowley, MA
Eagle Scout Project

Old Burying Ground
Lynn, MA

Janice Farnsworth

West Burying Ground 1813
Lynnfield, MA

Ann Marie Manning

Oak Grove Cemetery (partial)
Gloucester, MA

Susan Martin

Russell Family Cemetery
Danvers, MA

Bob LaBelle

Endicott Burials
Russell Cemetery, Danvers
Hooper Tomb
Pedrick Family Cemetery
St. Michael's Episcopal
Unitarian Cemetery
Wyman Family Cemetery
Joyann Reynolds
Greenlawn Cemetery (partial)
Mr. and Mrs Robert F. Myers
Peabody's 48 historic burial grounds. Bill Power-Chairman Peabody Historic Graveyard Coalition.

Highland Cemetery

One of the most historical cemeteries in Essex County if not New England. Located on historic High Street.

Dorothy E Elliott Mathews-Young

Buxton Cemetery
Old Settlers Cemetery
Nurse Cemetery
Holton St Cemetery
Wadsworth Cemetery

Kathryn J Morano
The Danvers Preservation Commission has done a transcription survey of almost all the cemeteries in town.

North Parish Burying Grounds 1817
North Andover

Calvin G Perry
Much of the work on this location was done some years ago.  I have taken up the project, plan to check the information, take some pictures of the cemetery, add whatever else I find missing and submit it to your group.

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PLEASE NOTE - If a cemetery is not listed, we do not have any information on it. We will not be able to answer email asking these type of questions.

If you would like to transcribe data for this Project, or if you already have cemetery surveys and would like to share that work with the world, please let us hear from you. Send me a message telling me the name of the cemetery, the county and state where the cemetery is located and the names of the people who will be doing the transcribing. Attach the files as ASCII text files.
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