sil_diam.gif - 0.9 K  Matagorda County  sil_diam.gif - 0.9 K
Intructions for Submitting Transcriptions and Photos
Basil Allen Family Cemetery
African-American | Liveoak Community

Carol Gibbs
Allenhurst Cemetery
African-American | Near Bay City

Carol Gibbs
Burial Association Cemetery
African-American | Partial Transcription

Carol Gibbs
Caney-Matthews Cemetery

Carol Gibbs
Deadrick Cemetery
African-American | Wilson Creek

Carol Gibbs
Edison Cemetery #3
African-American | Berean Community

Carol Gibbs
Gatson Cemetery
African-American | Berean Community

Carol Gibbs
Green Family Cemetery
African-American | Berean Community

Carol Gibbs
Jones-Jackson Family Cemetery

Carol Gibbs
King Van Estate Cemetery

Carol Gibbs
Powell Cemetery
African-American | Berean Community

Carol Gibbs
Roselawn Cemetery
Van Vleck | Partial Transcription
Marsha Kirchmeier
Reinke-Tobeck Cemetery

Carol Gibbs
Richardson Cemetery
African-American | Berean Community

Carol Gibbs
Unknown Cemetery
Van Vleck | Partial Transcription
Ronnie Renick
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Let's work together in this endeavor!

This Project is about remembering our dead and preserving our history!!!

If you would like to transcribe data for this Project, or you have already done cemetery surveys and would like to share that work with the world, please let us hear from you.

All Cemetery Surveys, Gravestone Inscriptions, Tombstone Photos and other files related to cemeteries are posted in the TXGenWeb Archives. It is not necessary to submit files to both the Tombstone Transcription Project and the TX Archives.


To submit a transcription or photos
Please visit the Instructions Page

Volunteer Needed to Coordinate
Texas Tombstone Transcription Project

Please contact: Rebecca Maloney

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