sil_diam.gif - 0.9 K  Kerr County  sil_diam.gif - 0.9 K
Instructions for Submitting Transcriptions and Photos
Altenheim Cemetery
Herman Sons

Catharine Schwarz
Baldwin Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Bonnie Hills Ranch Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Bridges Cemetery
South of Center Point

Shirley Webb
Brown Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Camp Verde Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Center Point Cemetery
A-H | Ho-Q | R-Z

Shirley Webb
Colbath Cemetery
Between Kerrville & Ingram

Shirley Webb
Conn Cemetery
Near Hunt

Shirley Webb
Cravey Family Cemetery
South of Center Point

Shirley Webb
Cypress Creek Community Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Denton Cemetery
Near Cherry Creek

Shirley Webb
Dry Branch Cemetery
Near Ingram

Shirley Webb
Garden of Memories North
African-American | Kerrville

Shirley Webb
Garden of Memories Cemetery
Near Kerville
A-D | E-J | K-Q | R-Z

Shirley Webb
Gates of Heaven Cemetery | Kerrville
A-J | K-Z

Shirley Webb
Glen Rest Cemetery | Kerrville
A-D | E-K | L-Q | R-Z

Shirley Webb
Guadalupe Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Habecker Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Harris Cemetery
Schreiner College Campus

Shirley Webb
Heise Cemetery
Between Center Point & Camp Verde

Shirley Webb
Henderson Branch Cemetery
Ingram Area

Shirley Webb
Holliman Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Kerrville National Cemetery
Overview Photos Only
Melba Love
Lane Valley Cemetery
Near Comfort

Catharine Schwarz
Moore Cemetery
West of Center Point

Shirley Webb
Mountain View Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Nichols Cemetery | Kerrville
A-L | M-Z

Shirley Webb
Old Camp Verde Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Old Japonica Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Real Cemetery

Shirley Webb
San Jose Cemetery
Near Comfort

Shirley Webb
Shults Cemetery
Camp Verde

Shirley Webb
Starkey Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Sunset Cemetery
Transcription #1 | Wells Burials
Shirley Webb
Bailey Wells
Tivy Family Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Tivy Mountain Cemetery

Shirley Webb
Turtle Creek Cemetery
A-G | H-Z

Shirley Webb
Verde Valley Cemetery
Between Camp Verde & Center Point

Shirley Webb
Wharton Cemetery

Shirley Webb
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Let's work together in this endeavor!

This Project is about remembering our dead and preserving our history!!!

If you would like to transcribe data for this Project, or you have already done cemetery surveys and would like to share that work with the world, please let us hear from you.

All Cemetery Surveys, Gravestone Inscriptions, Tombstone Photos and other files related to cemeteries are posted in the TXGenWeb Archives. It is not necessary to submit files to both the Tombstone Transcription Project and the TX Archives.


To submit a transcription or photos
Please visit the Instructions Page

Volunteer Needed to Coordinate
Texas Tombstone Transcription Project

Please contact: Rebecca Maloney

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