sil_diam.gif - 0.9 K  Providence County  sil_diam.gif - 0.9 K
Intructions for Submitting Transcriptions and Photos
Clayville Cemetery
Monica MacKeachan
Pocasset Cemetery

Jim Plummer, Jr.
Slatersville Cemetery
Monica MacKeachan
St. Ann's Cemetery
Partial Transcription

Alice Piccirillo
St. Charles Cemetery
Partial Transcription

Alice Piccirillo
St. Francis Cemetery
Partial Transcription

Alice Piccirillo
Union Cemetery
Partial Transcription

Alice Piccirillo
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oakleaf2.gif - 1.7 K Let's work together in this endeavor!oakleaf3.gif - 2.2 K

This Project is about remembering our dead and preserving our history!!!

To submit a cemetery, please contact:

Rhode Island Tombstone Transcription Manager
Rebecca Maloney

Please understand, I am unable to respond to queries about ancestors, cemeteries,
or do lookups! If a particular person or cemetery is not listed I have no additional information.

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This page was last updated Saturday, September 25, 2010

Copyright © USGenWeb Tombstone Project, 1997-2010