Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project
Tombstone Inscription Translations
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A BASIC guide to common words and phrases commonly found on Tombstones,
translated from languages likely to be encountered while researching in Pennsylvania.
Anyone who can contribute translations into additional languages,
or have additional phrases to be included, should contact
English | Slovak |
translation contributor |
Joseph Pecenka, and others |
January | január |
February | február |
March | marec |
April | apríl |
May | máj |
June | jún |
July | júl |
August | august |
September | september |
October | október |
November | november |
December | december |
age | staroba |
week | týždeň |
day | deň |
month | mesiac |
year | rok |
born | 1] narodený 2] narodená |
died | 1] zomrel 2] zomrela |
Sunday | nedeľa |
Monday | pondelok |
Tuesday | utorok |
Wednesday | streda |
Thursday | štvrtok |
Friday | piatok |
Saturday | sobota |
father | otec |
mother | matka |
husband | manžel |
wife | manželka |
son | syn |
daughter | dcéra |
children | dietky |
child | dieta |
brother | brat |
sister | sestra |
grandfather | starý otec |
grandmother | stará matka |
uncle | strýc |
aunt | teta |
marriage | sobáš |
here rests | tu odpočívá |
rest in peace | odpočívaj v pokoji |
Slovak Fraternal Organizations |
Ud. C. 11 S. E. J. - (clen odboru cislo 11
Slovenskej Evangelickej Jednoty) (translated by Frantisek Olsavsky) |
Ud = member(clen);
odbor = a kind of fraction- they were built when the
community had enough
members and they were signed with numbers
C. = number (cislo); Slovenska Evanjelicka Jednota (Slovenskб Evanjelickб Jednota) - a Slovak Lutheran fraternal insurance society |
Ud. C. 81 1.K.S.J. - (clen odboru cislo 81 1.
Katolickej Slovenskej Jednoty)
(translated by Frantisek Olsavsky) |
Ud = member(clen);
odbor = a kind of fraction- they were built when the
community had enough
members and they were signed with numbers
C. = number (cislo);
1.K.S.J. = First Slovak Catholic fraternal insurance society - Katolicka
Slovenska Jednota (Katolнcka Slovenskб Jednota)
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This page was updated 27 Apr 2011 and is maintained by Ellis Michaels
© 2006-2011 USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project