Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project

Tombstone Inscription Translations




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A BASIC guide to common words and phrases commonly found on Tombstones,

translated from languages likely to be encountered while researching in Pennsylvania.

Anyone who can contribute translations into additional languages,

or have additional phrases to be included, should contact


Ellis Michaels



English Russian
January Январь
February Февраль
March Март
April Апрель
May Май
June Июнь
July Июль
August Август
September Сентябрь
October Октябрь
November Ноябрь
December Декабрь
age постарето
week неделя
day день
month месяц
year год
born принесено
died умерли
Sunday Воскресенье
Monday Понедельник
Tuesday Вторник
Wednesday Среда
Thursday Четверг
Friday Пятница
Saturday Суббота
father Отец
mother Мать
husband Супруг
wife Супруга
son Сынок
daughter Дочь
brother Брат
sister Сестра
grandfather Грандиозный отец
grandmother Грандиозная мать
uncle Дядюшка
aunt Тетушка
marriage Замужество
here rests здесь отдыхает
rest gently *
rest in peace остальные в мире


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Pennsylvania USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project Coordinator:


Ellis Michaels


This page was updated 27 Apr 2011 and is maintained by Ellis Michaels


© 2006-2011 USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project