List of Cemeteries may not be complete. Link provided if available online. Otherwise noted as "Volunteer Needed " or "Work in Progress". |
cem.txt | Briartown ,
Starr, Whitefield and West Cemeteries (partial) some maybe in Muskogee County |
Karen Sanchez dksanchez@earthlink.net |
antioch.txt | Antioch Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
brkrhnsn.txt | Barker- Henson Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
blaine.txt | Blaine Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
bonham.txt | Bonham Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
brsncoop.txt | Brinson - Cooper Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
brooken.txt | Brooken Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
coopwood.txt | Cooper - Woodridge Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
entprise.txt | Enterprise Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
estngrwd.txt | Eston Greenwood Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
folsom.txt | Folsom Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
garland.txt | Garland Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
hoyt.txt | Hoyt Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
ironbrdg.txt | Iron Bridge Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
keota.txt | Keota Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
watkins.txt | Kinta or Watkins Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
knight3.txt | Knight #3 Mine Memorial | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
lmonprry.txt | Lamon Perry Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
lwisvill.txt | Lewisville Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
lsbois.txt | Little Sans Bois Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
lona.txt | Lona Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
martin.txt | Martin Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
miners.txt | Miners Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
miners.htm | Miners
Cemetery - partial |
Sue Hearon earl@intcon.net |
hughart.txt | Mountain Home (Hughart) Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
mtzion.txt | Mt. Zion Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
nunley.txt | Nunley Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
oldcache.txt | Old Cache Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
oldentpr.txt | Old Enterprise Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
oldpnthr.txt | Old Panther Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
oldperry.txt | Old Perry Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
oldquntn.txt | Old Quinton Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
quinton.txt | Quinton Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
sndsprng.txt | Sand Springs Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
sansbois.txt | Sans Bois Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
schrout.txt | Schroughout Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
scttprry.txt | Scott-Perry Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
shadygrove.htm | Shady Grove Cemetery | Earl Hearon earl@intcon.net |
slmsprng.txt | Siloam Springs Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
smnisaac.txt | Simon Isaac Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
star.txt | Star Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
stigler.txt | Stigler Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
trublood.txt | Trueblood Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
vancefam.txt | Vance Family Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
wlbrty.txt | West Liberty Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
whtfield.txt | Whitefield Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
willis.txt | Willis Family Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
wooldrdg.txt | Woolridge Cemetery | Barbara Donathan bdonathn@crosstel.net |
To register a cemetery, just send a message telling me the name of the cemetery, the county and state where the cemetery is located and the names of the people who will be doing the transcribing. If you have already transcribed cemetery data and would like for your work to become part of this project, just let me know. Oklahoma Tombstone
Project Manager National Project Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney |
© 1999-Current USGenWeb Tombstone Project