Weed-Arthur Cemetery

Ticonderoga, Essex County, New York

DIRECTIONS: "This cemetery is located between the Johnson Farm Road and Route 74. At the Johnson Farm, follow the dirt road heading south the the end of hte old apple orcahrd. When you get to the end of the orchard turn rigth (west) and follow the hedge road toward the mountain. When you get to the end of the hedge road turn left (south). The cemetery is about one hundred yards from hedge row. The cemetery is on the right side about 75-80 yards into the mountain. There is a yellow ribbon tied on the entrance to the woods. Cross a fence and the cemetery is located a little to your right. You wil see an old snow fence that is there. Just in back of the cemetery is a large smooth ledge. There are also corner markers standing which appears that it could have had chains or fence attached to the pillars."



INFANT / Son of / Wm. A. G. and Eliza / ARTHUR / died Dec. 2, / 1844

MARY E. / daughter of W.A.G. & Eliza / ARTHUR, / DIED / SEPT. 3, 1850, / Æ 3 y'rs. & 2 mos. /
C.L. Morse, Benson, VT.
(NOTE: The name C.L. Morse is evidently that of the stone cutter. It is placed in the lower right corner of the stone.)

MARION A. / WIFE OF / MONTFORD WEED / BORN / Aug. 19, 1835, / Died / Nov. 5, 1867.

MARY. / Infant Daughter / of Joseph S. / and / Elizabeth G. WEED / died Aug. / 29, 1827. / aged 22 days.

RICHARD D. ARTHUR / died Sept. 19th, 1833. / aged 27 years 8 months / & 11 days.

JARED ARTHUR / Son of Joseph S. & / Elizabeth G. Weed / died Aug. 2nd, / 1827. / aged 1 year 6 Mo. / & 29 days.
J.A.W.    (no dates)

Mary daughter / of Francis and Mary Arthur / died April 13, 1814 aged / 6 y 1 m 1 d

MARY / the wife of / Francis Arthur Esq. / died Sept. 10, 1827, / aged 50 years / 7 months & 6 days. /

Francis ARTHUR    Born Nov. 13, 1774    Died Jan. 3, 1859
(NOTE: Roughly etched wreath design bordered the inscription. The stone had split in half and fallen. We put it back in place supported by a small tree trunk.)