sil_diam.gif - 0.9 KChenango Countysil_diam.gif - 0.9 K

Town of Afton

Church Hollow Road Cemetery

W. David Samuelsen
Town of Guilford

Cooper (1960)

W. David Samuelsen
Town of German

Westview (1963)
Westview (2002)

W. David Samuelsen
Judson E. Vickery
Town of Greene

Oak Grove (1960)
Tremain (1968)

W. D. Samuelsen
Town of Pitcher

Brakel Valley Churchyard (1968)

W. D. Samuelsen
Town of Plymouth

LeVee (2000)

Rachel D. LeVee
Town of Smithville

Upper Smithville Flats (1963/64)

W. D. Samuelsen
Chenango County Cemeteries (several contributors)
Chenango County Gen Web

cemetery listing

Chenango County NYGenWeb

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This Project is about remembering our dead and preserving our history!!!

To register a cemetery, just send me a message telling me the name
of the cemetery, the county and state where the cemetery is located
and the names of the people who will be doing the transcribing. If
you have already transcribed cemetery data and would like for your
work to become part of this project, just let me know.

Register a cemetery today!!!!

New York Tombstone Project Manager

National Project Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney

Please remember, I cannot respond to
queries about ancestors or cemeteries!!

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Copyright © USGenWeb Tombstone Project, 1999-Current
Copyright © Pamela Brown Reid, 1997/1998