Cemetery | | |
Photos |
Intructions for Submitting Transcriptions and Photos |
Academy Cemetery aka Clovis Cemetery Transcription #1 | Transcription #2 |
Donald & Eleanore Burchell Dorothy Reinhardt |
Akers Cemetery Centerville |
Ararat Cemetery Fresno |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Ararat Masis Cemetery Fresno |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Auberry Cemetery |
Donald & Eleanore Burchell |
Augustine Creek Burial |
Peggy Hooper |
Belmont Memorial Park Fresno |
Craig Hahn |
Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery Kerman |
Lee Nave |
Beth Israel Cemetery Fresno | Photos returning soon! |
Craig Hahn |
Bethel Cemetery Sanger | Photos returning soon! |
Cedric Reese |
Big Sandy Rancheria Cemetery Fresno |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Calvary Cemetery Fresno |
Centerville Cemetery |
Lee Nave |
Chapel of the Light Cemetery Fresno |
Clovis Cemetery Photos returning soon!
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C |
D |
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J |
K |
Jim Zitnik |
Danish Cemetery Fresno | Photos returning soon! |
Del Rey Cemetery | Photos returning soon! Transcription #1 | Transcription #2 Fresno | Photos returning soon! |
Dorothy Reinhardt Cedric Reese |
Dunlap Cemetery Dunlap | Partial Transcription |
Dorothy Reinhardt Sarah Haahr |
Fairview Cemetery Sanger |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Floral Memorial Park Selma |
Elnora Wyrick |
Fowler Cemetery Photos returning soon! |
Elnora Wyrick |
Fresno Memorial Gardens Photos returning soon! |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Golden Sunset Memorial Park Kerman | Photos returning soon! |
Dorothy Reinhardt
Hazelton Ranch Cemetery Piedra |
Lee Nave |
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery Fresno |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
IOOF #128 Cemetery Fresno | Photos returning soon! |
Kingsburg Cemetery Transcription #1 | Transcription #2 A |
B |
C |
D |
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L |
M |
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V |
Patty Lion Dorothy Reinhardt |
Liberty Veterans Cemetery Fresno | Photos returning soon! |
Craig Hahn |
Mendocino Cemetery | Parlier Transcription #1 | Transcription #2 |
James Gillespie Dorothy Reinhardt |
Mountain View Cemetery | Fresno | Photos returning soon! Transcription #1 | Transcription #2 | Transcription #3 |
Dorothy Reinhardt Craig Hahn Elnora Wyrick |
North Selma Cemetery |
Elnora Wyrick Nancy Howell |
Oak Grove Cemetery Laton |
Dorothy Reinhardt Nancy Howell |
Pleasant Valley Cemetery Coalinga | Photos returning soon! |
Alfonso Bonilla |
Redbank Cemetery Clovis | Photos returning soon! |
Dorothy Reinhardt Jim Zitnik |
Reedley Cemetery Photos returning soon! |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Salem Cemetery Sanger |
Cedric Reese |
Sanger Cemetery | Photos returning soon! A-K | L-Z |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Sectarian Russian Molokan Church Cemetery Kerman | Photos returning soon! |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Sentinel Cemetery Fresno |
Donald & Eleanore Burchell |
Squaw Valley Cemetery Partail Transcription | Photos returning soon! |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
St. Peters Cemetery Fresno |
Dorothy Reinhardt |
Tollhouse Cemetery |
Donald & Eleanore Burchell |
Van Horn Cemetery aka Otis Family Cemetery |
Danny |
Warthan Canyon Cemetery | Coalinga Transcription #2 | Transcription #2 | Transcription #3 |
Lee Nave Peggy Hooper |
Washington Colony Cemetery Fresno |
Nancy Howell |
Watts Valley Cemetery |
Charles & Betty Ashley |
West Selma Cemetery |
Nancy Howell |