Listing from Wayne Adcock files
The name Goodwin came from Wayne's files and Betty & Bill Sharp submitted some photo's with Goodwin (Orr) on them and the names are in this Cemetery, so both names are being used with this one. |
From I-30 take the south exit on Arkansas State Road 245 and go until you get to US Hwy 71 south, then turn left and go about one mile and at the L. W. Adcock Road turn right and go past the first street and then turn right behind the second house and the cemetery will be straight ahead of you behind these houses. Directions provided by Betty Sharp. |
Photo provided by Bill & Betty Sharp
July 2003
Adcock, Mrs. Mary 1/9/1874 16 Jan.1944 Anderson, baby stillborn 1-13-1936 Bell, Frank 12-5-1879 2-7-1957 Bell, Francis 8-1-1883 10-29-1932 Bell, G. W. 9-27-1841 6-27-1916 Bell, M. A. 12-22-1846 11-20-1923 Berkman, Elizabeth B 3-15-1847 8-10-1894 w/o D. G. Bergman Camp, Amity died 4/8/1932 Canant, George W 10-10-1848 to 12-23-1892 Canant, Lucinda J. 6-22-1846 to 8-20-1894 Cannant, Mrs. W. W. 9/1868 3/1/1940 Carroll, Mrs. W. O. 12-9-1909 1969 Carroll, Arthur died 6/12/1941 Clifford, William 1-21-1823 to 10-21-1884 Clifford, Emily 6-6-1825 to 9-15-1896 Clifford, J. H. 11-26-1848 to 11-8-1881 Clifford, 2-20-1886 to 8-15-1891 son of E. D. and Betty Collier, C. R. 11-24-1878 to 3-8-1903 Daniels, Mrs. Henrietta 7/17/1924 - age 69 Doty, Harvey 1889-1928 Glenn, A. W. 6-5-1857 to 4-19-1922 Goodwin, James R. 2-26-1842 to 7-27-1914 Goodwin, Lou 1-7-1847 to 12-21-1917 Goodwin, James Monte died 5-23-1934 age 5 months (no marker) Hanna, Mrs. Will died 10/7/1905 Hanna, William A 1868 1920 Hanna, Della 20 Feb. 1875 7 Oct 1905 Wife of W. A. Hanna Hanna, William A 1868 to 1920 Hanna, Della Bell ( unable to read the date on the obit. ) Haynes, Arnold M born and died 1928 Hill, S. J. died 7-30-1931 age 86 (no marker) Johnson, H. W. "Bose" 5-6-1875 to 10-17-1958 Johnson, Mattie F 11-23-1877 to 11-18-1953 wife of H. W. Johnson, Charles W 1936-1936 Johnson, infant 1897-1897 Johnson, Henry H 1926-1927 Johnson, James W. 1930-1946 Johnson, Lois 1900-1902 Jones, infant 11-3-1917 son of G. O. & Lillian Jones, Daisy Dell 2-15-1902 to 12-7-1904 dau of J. S. & Ida L Jones, Jack Jones, John 5-10-1848 to 5-5-1882 Jones, Madie M. 7/2/1940 - age 42and John Orr. Jones, Rochsa Ann 3-26-1856 to 8-21-1927 Jones, Vivian Jones, W. D. 6-9-1838 to 6-29-1899 (Photo provided by Bill & Betty Sharp) Kelly, Mrs. Nettie V. died 12 Mar.1931 age 42 (no marker) Kessler, Ethel L 3-19-1896 to 10-31-1956 (obit has 1956) Latta, W. B. Thurs 24 Aug. 1921 died today at a local hospital. Mammen, Fred 2-2-1897 to 3-21-1963 Mammen, Earnest 5-28-1907 to 5-30-1928 Mammen, John C. 2-11-1902 to 8-28-1953 Mammen, John F. 12-11-1864 to 4-26-1946 Mammen, Gertrude Tobies 11-16-1868 to 4-19-196? Wife of John F McMasters, William Frank 4-9-1874 to 4-24-1913 McMasters, Martha J 1882 to 1949
Medley, Elmer L 11-13-1907 to 11-4-1961 (Medley Photo's provided by Bill & Betty Sharp) Medley, Robert H 1-9-1892 to 1-1-1960 Mendenhall, Nellie L 11-21-1860 to 7-4-1878 Dau of Wm. A & M.C. Obrien, daughter of PJ & MA 11-15-1887 to 9-17-1895 Orr, Andrew J 1852-1879 Orr, G. Carl 5-14-1890 to 12-25-1919 Orr, John M 1847 to 1929 Orr, Ruth 4-4-1888 to 10-25-1889
Orr, Sandors M 11-23-1864 to 3-2-1931 (Orr Photo above were provided by Bill & Betty Sharp) Orr, W. H. Mrs. 12-8-1936 only date Parsons, David F 12-3-1841 to 12-6-1912 Parsons, Amanda 6-7-1850 to 1-14-1925 Parsons, H. E. 1874 to 1944 Peavy, William Franklin 1874 to 1955 Peavy, Leona Jones 1880 to 1948 Peavy, W. F. (Mrs) age 66 12/26/1947 Peavy, Will F. died 10/16/1955 Preston, Maud W 12-28-1878 to 7-17-1941 Smith, Millidge E. 3-9-1928 to 4-20-1928 Spear, Tommie 12-25-1827 to 10-23-1880 Vanwey, Edward D 3-6-1859 to 5-1-1951 Vanwey, Elizabeth 11-2-1851 to 1-19-1922 wife of Edward Vanwey, Allen E 9-29-1888 to 4-18-1932 Vanwey, dau of Allen & Ethel died 6-30-1915 Velma Jones 1888 to 1941 Walker, Mrs. Lou Emma Thurs. 6 Feb. 1941 - age 52 Watson, James A. 2-17-1852 to 8-14-1925 Walker, Lou Emma age 52 5/5/1941 Watson, Martha C. Ellis 12-16-1857 to 10-3-1926 Watson, J. A. 71 Wilson, Wed. 27 June 1934 Child of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson |